"Is it a misunderstanding? Why don’t I feel like it? I smell the gunpowder in the gun … "Xiaoqu replied with a smile." If I hadn’t followed the old horses for several years and seen something in the Jianghu, I might have been cold tonight. "

"I asked that person to pick you up."
"Third brother, I’m just a nobody. Please give me a ponytail. I don’t want it." Xiaoqu whispered, "I won’t go back to Songjiang if you don’t give me a hard time."
"Tune you listen to me …"
"Also say what three elder brother? ! Your friend scared me. "Xiaoqu hung up the phone with a gloomy face and quickly disappeared into the night.
Yuan Hua at the poker table looked at the third child with a wrong expression and immediately asked, "What’s the matter?"
"The tune didn’t get stuck," the third replied with trepidation. "This little thief gave me room number 37 and observed it himself at room number 36."
When Yuan Hua heard this, he immediately overthrew the mahjong tiles and got up and asked, "Did you miss something?"
"… well" old nod.
Yuan Huawen a big mouth smoke in the past dozen old staggered back several steps "your brain is as big as a soybean grain? A superintendent class can’t even hold down a gangster? "
Old low head "this help mud legs on the ground roll all the year round outside into fine …"
"I think you’re going to become a fine silly B fine! One thing can’t be done in vain. "Yuan Hua immediately rushed to Yongdong without thinking about playing mahjong." Will this mentality change if he doesn’t get the final payment? "
urban district
Ma Laoer sat in the car and said to Xiao Liu, "I’ll wait in the face if you bring him out."
"Good" small six nodded.
Chapter ninety Yuan Hua valued.
Yongdong bowed his head and lit a cigarette. After a long time, he should say, "I don’t think there will be any mentality change."
"I want to do his thing but I missed it." Yuan Hua frowned. "I’m afraid he will retaliate."
"If Ma doesn’t know that he did it, he may retaliate against us for it," Yongdong replied with confidence. "But now a fool can see that the goods in Ma’s warehouse must be ditty. Do you think this little guy dares to go back and talk to Ma’s family about something? Even if the old horse can let go of his pony, it will be enough. Can you promise to take 10 thousand steps back and say that even if the pony is released, will the sergeant? The official mouth needs a back pot now. After all, two medicine cans have died and so many fake medicines have been found. "
Yuan Hua thought it over and over again, and he felt that Yongdong made sense.
"Xiaoqu will definitely choose to run away with the upfront payment if he doesn’t want to get into the water." Yongdong added again, "I didn’t give too little before. He doesn’t need to continue to take risks in this muddy water because there are so many things in it that he will die if he doesn’t pay attention to it."
"No," Yuan Hua shook his head. "It’s a hidden danger to keep him. After all, the old horse is not jumping alone now, and Lao Li didn’t implement it until he shut up forever."
"Well, that’s right." Bald nodded.
Yuan Hua took a few steps back and forth in the house and turned to Yongdong and said, "Or you should look for him to get things done, and you should take shelter when you’re done."
"No problem" Yongdong agreed to come.
"Come on, don’t fight." Yuan Hua shouted at Yongdong while walking outside with his hands behind his back. "Come out with me and have a chat."
"Good" Yongdong immediately got up and followed out.
Ten minutes later.
Office Yuan Hua took out a piece of money from the drawer, bowed their heads and wrote a 100,000-figure stamp and pushed it to Yongdong.
"What does this mean?" Yongdong one leng
"This is part of your dividend for half a year," Yuan Hua said with a smile. "I’ll give you a batch of big heads at the end of the year."
"Not appropriate?" Yongdong was surprised and responded, "Our drug business has been tight recently, and sales have also dropped. Will others think much if you give me dividends alone?"
Yuan Huawen got up and said solemnly, "Yongdong, you’re the only one in this group of old people. You’d better make sure that you can come up with some ways to help me tide over the difficulties at every key moment. Let’s treat others specially and let them come up with some achievements."
Yongdong grinned. "Why are you still emotional today?"
"Not really." Yuan Hua stepped to the window and bowed his head and poured a glass of wine. "Chloe had a quarrel with me the other day. He told me that the company’s operating model is too old. Up to now, the scale of our work still looks like a bunch of mud legs fooling around. Although he said it was a little radical, it is reasonable for you to be careful."
Yongdong didn’t answer the phone.
"If the sky is bald, that kind of person; But Shoutian needs people like you. "Yuan Hua looked up at Yongdong and said," In the past two years, I will establish your position and gradually give you some special things. You help the company well. My old Yuan will not mistreat you or everyone. "